These tutorials cover tools that are used for assessing and grading student work. Tools such as:
- Grade book Tool
- Rubrics Tool
- Quizzes Tool
- Assignments Tool (a.k.a. Dropbox)
Create a grading system
As an instructor, you can determine how to set up your grade book to best reflect your approach to evaluation, including the grading system and grade scheme that is most appropriate for your course. You can select how grades display to learners, how they update in the grade book, and how you want to deal with ungraded items. You can create grade items for projects, assignments, discussions, quizzes, etc. to include in your grade book, and even associate them with other tools (e.g. Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions).
Using Rubrics to evaluate activities
Rubrics are used to evaluate an activity or item based on a predefined set of criteria. They help ensure that activities and items are evaluated fairly and consistently.
Visit Evaluate an activity based on a predefined set of criteria
Create quizzes and tests
The Quizzes tool enables you to create and manage points-measured assessments. As part of your quantifiable assessment procedures, you can use quizzes to help evaluate users’ learning progress and learning outcomes. Create and manage quiz questions from the Question Library or the Quizzes tool, and organize quizzes into categories to make it easier to find assessments with similar or related content. Use the quiz preview option to test the accuracy of content and grading before you release a quiz. In a preview, you can answer the questions, view allowed hints, submit the quiz, auto-grade answers, read feedback, and view report results.
Visit Create quizzes
Create assignments and assess submissions
Learners use the Assignments tool to write or upload and submit assignments directly in Brightspace Learning Environment, eliminating the need to mail, fax, or email their work to instructors. On paper submissions, and observed in person assignments are also available and do not require file submissions to be made in Brightspace Learning Environment.
Instructors use the Assignments tool to see users’ submission times, view submissions on the Evaluate Submission page, associate assignments to rubrics and competencies, and return submissions with grades and feedback. For assignments that included file submissions, instructors can download the submissions to their computer for review offline.
In the Submissions area for file and text submissions, instructors can view users’ submissions and submission dates, eliminating the need to collect assignments and making it easy to track when files were submitted.
Visit Create assignments